AppsImpact Academy offers and designs awesome Ruby on Rails blogs, on such problems wherein a rails developer or a beginner might require some help. We create blogs on very helpful practical problems and all of our blogs are well tested by experienced ROR developers and can assist to understand the complex or confusing pieces of Ruby on Rails and all set for beginner’s level as well. By reading and trying practically our blogs, you can save your time in finding a solution from scratch.

Mistakes that every Rails Developer Must Avoid

Since it's start Ruby on Rails is considered as one of the most productive web development framework. It makes development very fast and make.....
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Converting PDF page previews using Minimagic and Active Storage and Rails 6

In this post I am going to demonstrate that how to upload PDF file into Rails using Active Storage and create image previews of pages of uploaded PDF.....
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Uploading Attachments in Rails Using Active Storage

Active Storage is a feature in Rails(applicable in versions >= 5.2) which facilitates uploading files to a cloud storage service like Amazon S3, Google Cloud....
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How to add bootstrap 4 to your Rails 6 application?

In the newer version of rails, Rails 6 sprockets are removed and webpacker has been introduced. And because of ....
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DRYing rails controllers using meta programming

Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a software development principle, the main aim of which is to reduce repetition.....
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